Dr. Abu Taher
(PhD & Post-Doc, South Korea)
Associate Professor & Chairman
Department of Industrial & Production Engineering,
Mobile: +8801712681890
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Homepage: https://eub.edu.bd/department-of-ipe/;
Google Scholar Citation: https://tinyurl.com/DrTaher
Research Interest:
Design, synthesis, and evaluation of synthetic and natural products, Biomedical engineering,
Novel polymeric materials, Renewable energy, Nano-catalysis, Nanomaterial and
Selected Publications:
(1) Mymuna Sabrina, Most. Sayima Siddika, Abu Taher, M. Azizul Islam, Bilkis Jahan
Lumbiny: Dye and Preservative Efficacy Screening of Some Synthesized Substituted
Chalcones through their Bioactivity, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and
Technology, 2021 (April-2021), 8, 13858-13862.
(2) Abu Taher, Md. Abu Bin Hasan Susan, Noorjahan Begum, Ik-Mo Lee: Aminefunctionalized
metal–organic framework-based Pd nanoparticles: highly efficient
multifunctional catalysts for base-free aerobic oxidation of different alcohols, New J.
Chem., 2020, 44, 19113-19121.
(3) Abu Taher, Dong Wook Kim: Pyrene-Tagged Alcoholic Ionic Liquids as Phase Transfer
Catalysts for Nucleophilic Fluorination, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 2020, 41, 1140-1146.
(4) Abu Taher, Bilkis Jahan Lumbinyb, Ik-Mo Lee: A facile microwave-assisted Knoevenagel
condensation of various aldehydes and ketones using amine-functionalized metal organic
frameworks, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2020, 119, 108092.
(5) Abu Taher, Kyo Chul Lee, Hye Ji Han, and Dong Wook Kim:Pyrene-Tagged Ionic Liquids:
Separable Organic Catalysts for SN2 Fluorination, Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 3342−3345.
(6) Abu Taher, Dong Wook Kim and Ik-Mo Lee: Highly efficient metal organic framework
(MOF)-based copper catalysts for the base-free aerobic oxidation of various alcohols, RSC
Adv., 2017, 7, 17806–17812.
(7) Abu Taher, Hye-Young Yoo, Phil-In Oh, Sanggon Moon and Myung-Jong Jin: Microwaveaccelerated
Suzuki Coupling Reaction Catalyzed by Heterogeneous NHC-Pd, Bull.
Korean Chem. Soc., 2016, 37, 1908–1909.
(8) Abu Taher, Dong-Jin Lee,Ik-Mo Lee,Md. Lutfor Rahman, Shaheen M. Sarkar: A Novel
Graphene-Supported Palladium Catalyst for Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling of Less Reactive
Heteroaryl Halides in Water, Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 2016, 37, 1478–1485.
(9) Abu Taher, Dong-Jin Lee, Ik-Mo Lee: Graphene-Supported Palladium Complex: A Highly
Efficient, Robust and Recyclable Catalyst for the Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling of
Various Aryl Halides, Synlett, 2016, 27, 2333–2338.
(10) Abu Taher, Dong-Jin Lee, Byoung-Ki Lee, Ik-Mo Lee: Amine-functionalized Metal-
Organic Frameworks: An Efficient and Recyclable Heterogeneous Catalyst for the
Knoevenagel Condensation Reaction, Synlett, 2016, 27, 1433-1437.
(11) Dong-Hwan Lee, Abu Taher, Shahin Hossain, and Myung-Jong Jin: An Efficient and
General Method for the Heck and Buchwald-Hartwig Coupling Reactions of Aryl
Chlorides, Org. Lett., 2011, 13(20), 5540-5543.
(12) Ji-Young Jung, Abu Taher, Shahin Hossain, and Myung-Jong Jin: Highly Active
Heterogeneous Palladium Catalyst for the Suzuki Reaction of Heteroaryl Chlorides, Bull.
Korean Chem. Soc., 2010, 31(10), 3010-3012.
(13) Dong-Hwan Lee, Abu Taher, Wha-SeungAhn and Myung-Jong Jin: Room temperature
Stille cross-coupling reaction of unreactive aryl chlorides and heteroaryl chlorides, Chem.
Commun., 2010, 46, 478–480.
(14) Dong-Hwan Lee,Minkee Choi,Byung-Woo Yu, Ryong Ryoo, Abu Taher, Shahin Hossain,
and Myung-Jong Jin: Expanded Heterogeneous Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling Reactions of
Aryl and Heteroaryl Chlorides under Mild Conditions, Adv. Synth. Catal.2009, 351, 2912
– 2920.
(15) Ji-Young Jung, Jin-Beom Kim, Abu Taher, and Myung-Jong Jin: Pd(OAc)2 Immobilized
on Fe3O4 as Magnetically Separable Heteogeneous Catalyst for Suzuki Reaction in Water,
Bull. Korean Chem. Soc., 2009, 30(12), 3082-3084.
(16) Abu Taher, Jin-Beom Kim, Ji-Young Jung, Wha-SeungAhn, Myung-Jong Jin: Highly
Active and Magnetically Recoverable Pd-NHC Catalyst Immobilized on Fe3O4
Nanoparticle-Ionic Liquid Matrix for Suzuki Reaction in Water, Synlett, 2009,
No.15, 2477-2482.
(17) Myung-Jong Jin, Abu Taher, Hee-Jae Kang, Minkee Choi and RyongRyoo: Palladium
acetate immobilized in a hierarchical MFI zeolite-supported ionic liquid: a highly active
and recyclable catalyst for Suzuki reaction in water, Green Chem.2009, 11, 309-313.
(18) Ji-Young Jung, Abu Taher, Hyun-Jin Kim, Wha-SeungAhn, Myung-Jong Jin:Heck
Reaction Catalyzed by Mesoporous SBA-15-Supported Ionic Liquid-Pd(OAc)2,Synlett,
2009, No.1, 39-42.
(19) M. A. Hye,M. A. Taher, M.Y. Ali, M.U. Ali, and Shahed Zaman: Isolation of (+)-Catechin
from Acacia Catechu (Cutch Tree) by a Convenient Method, J. Sci. Res., 2009, 1 (2), 300-
(20) M.A.Hye, M.A. Taher, M.Y.Ali and M.U.Ali: Preparation of two Novel Diazo Dyes from
Catechin, Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society, 2007, 20(1), 104-109.
(21) M.M.Ali, M.Khalequzzaman, M.A.Taher, J.Ara, M.Jesmin and J.A.Khanam: Toxicity of
Some Metal-Cystine Complexes Against Confused Flour Beetle
TriboleumCastaneum(Coleoptera:Tenebionidae), Bangladesh J.Life Sci,19(1): 115-119,
2007 (June).
(22) Jahan Ara Khanam, Most. Ferdousi Begum, Jesmine Ara, MeleJesmin, M. Abu Taherand
S. M. Mohsin Ali: Antimicrobial activity of Metal Cystine complexes, Dhaka
Univ.J.Pharm.Sci, 5(1-2): 29-32, 2006 (June-December).
(23) M.M.Ali, A.K.Azad, M.Jesmin, J.Alam,T.Alam, and M.A.Taher: Catalytic Activity of
Polymer Based Metal Complexes Towards Hydrolysis of Amino Acid Esters, ACGC
M. I. Hossain Mondal, M. A. Khaleque, M. A. Hossain, M. A. Hye and M. A. Taher:A
process for the preparation of powerful phenyl from petuli seed oil; Bangladesh gazed,
April 9, 2009,Int. Cl. A61 K 31/47 CO7 D 409/12, A61 P 5/24 1004786