1. Name of the Program: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) 

2. a. Name of the Department:  Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

2. b. Name of the Faculty: Science and Engineering

3. Objectives and Goal
The increasing needs for computer science and engineers in worldwide job markets need not to be overemphasized. To keep pace with the advancement in computer science and engineering and provide emphasis in fulfilling the needs, it is essential that efforts to be made both in the public and private sectors to develop human resources in this particular field in Bangladesh.

  • The prime objective in establishing the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the European University of Bangladesh is to make a concerted effort towards achieving the goal to provide quality education of 4 years duration at the undergraduate level.
  • To give students of undergraduate programs a rigorous and comprehensive academic training on both the fundamental and advanced aspects of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE).
  • To make provisions for research and development and dissemination of knowledge in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.

A student in CSE must not only have a sound basis in the fundamental of Engineering but also should be aware of socio-economic problems of the country. Therefore, courses in science, humanities, economics and management are also included in the curricula. The last two semesters will offer the students a number of alternatives to choose from and to specialize in a particular field. Theory and Sessional work shall be supplemented by Project/Thesis work, seminars and visits to relevant research and industrial organization.

4. Semesters 
There will be three semesters in an academic year, which are namely:

  • Spring Semester; (Duration: January to April)
  • Summer Semester; (Duration: May to August)
  • Fall Semester; (Duration: September to December)

Each semester will be of 15 weeks duration with 13 weeks for class teaching, one-week break for examination preparation and one week for examinations.

5. Duration of the Program:
The duration for B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering program will be four years divided into 12 semesters and Diploma Holders will be 10 semesters.

6. Credit-hour 
Three credit hours are assigned to a theory course i.e. there are three hours lecture in a week. A class period for theory courses will have a minimum duration of 50 minutes.
One credit of lab course will have a minimum of 24 -hours of actual lab works per semester and each lab class will have a minimum duration of 1.5 -hours.

7. Degree Requirements 
(a) Completion of minimum 160.50 credit hours for Regular Students.
(b) Completion of minimum 140.00 credit hours for Diploma Students.
(c) Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.50.

8. Admission
8.1 Requirement for admission into the CSE program
Eligibility of Students for Admission in CSE program: The students must fulfill the following requirements:

a) Bangladeshi Students
Applicants must have passed SSC and HSC (or equivalent) examination in Science group with minimum 2nd division in both the examinations or five subjects in O-level and three major subjects (Math, Physics and Chemistry) in A-level education are required. The students who have completed SSC and HSC under GPA system will have to have a minimum CGPA of 2.5. The O- and A-level students must have an average grade of B.

b) Diploma students
Waiver Courses to be given following the guideline of UGC. Those having diploma engineering in Electrical/Electronics/Computer/Power/Mechanical/ Telecommunication are also eligible for admission with waivers in some courses as per decision of the departmental equivalence committee. Courses may be exempted only from GED group. Courses from Basic sciences, Mathematics and any engineering course will not be exempted. The total exempted credits must not be more than 13.5 credits.

c) For evening section:
All Eligible students for evening section will be enrolled as part-time.

d) For Foreign Students
(1) Educational qualifications like Bangladeshi students/equivalent.
(2) Sex category: Male or female.
(3) Must have security clearance from respective Embassy/High Commission in Bangladesh.

e) Course load / Conditions applicable for enrolling students of CSE Program
(i) A full time student can register in a semester for a maximum of 15 credits.
(ii) Part-time student can register in a semester for a maximum of 9 credits.

8.2 Admission Procedure
Admission test will be conducted on the basis of the syllabus of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and English (comprehension and functional) subjects of HSC examinations of all boards of secondary and higher secondary school certificates. Admission test will be conducted out of 200 marks and the distribution of marks is given below:

Sl Subjects Marks
a Mathematics 80
b Physics 60
c Chemistry 40
d English 20
Total = 200

8.3 Final Selection
Students will be selected on the basis of results of the admission test.

9. Grading System
Letter grading will be made to assess students’ performance. The grade will be assigned on the overall evaluation of a student’s performance on the basis of semester final examination, midterm exam, Case studies, tutorial test, term papers, assignment and class attendance in aggregate and whatever is applicable for an individual program. The teachers responsible for the course will determine Grades/GPA. The final result will be prepared by cumulating the grade point average over the courses. The UGC approved common grading system is adopted for assigning a letter grade and grade point. This is given in the following table:

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point
80% and above A+ 4.00
75% to less than 80% A 3.75
70% to less than 75% A- 3.50
65% to less than 70% B+ 3.25
60% to less than 65% B 3.00
55% to less than 60% B- 2.75
50% to less than 55% C+ 2.50
45% to less than 50% C 2.25
40% to less than 45% D 2.00
Less than 40% F 0.00
F *Failure; I ** Incomplete; W ***Withdrawal; R****Repeat; Y***** Audit

*          “F” means failure. Credits for courses with this grade do not apply towards graduation.

**        “I” grade is given to students who have fulfilled the majority of the course requirements but have been unable to complete the rest. The student is not required to register                  for the course in the next semester.

***       “W” means withdrawal. A student may decide to withdraw from a course by the deadline with the consent of the instructor and the Academic Advisor.

****      “R” means repeat. To improve grade say, F to D or better, more than two times repetition of a course is allowed.

*****     “Y” means audit. An existing student or ex-student may decide to audit a course of his/her interest for improvement of his knowledge for the particular course. In this                          case, the student pays the full tuition fee for the course, attends the classes, but is not required to sit for the exams and no credit is earned.

# Subject in which the student gets ‘F’ grades will not be counted towards credit hours requirements and for the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA)

10. Performance Evaluation of Courses
Final grade in each course will be given on the basis of the performance on class attendance & participation, continuous assessment, mid-term examination and final examination as indicated as under:

Evaluation Criteria Marks/Weight
Class attendance & Participation 10
Continuous Assessment 30
Mid-term Examination 30
Final Examination 30
Total= 100

Calculation of GPA.
Grade Point Average (GPA) is the weighted average of the grade points obtained of all the courses passed/completed by a student. For example, if a student passes/completes n courses in a term having credits of C1, C2, … , Cn and his grade points in these courses are G1, G2, … , Gn respectively then

The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the weighted average of the GPA obtained in all the terms passed/completed by a student. For example, if a student passes/ completes n terms having total credits of TC1, TC2, … , TCn and his GPA in these terms are GPA1, GPA2, … , GPAn respectively then

A Numerical Example
Suppose a student has completed eight courses in a term and obtained the following grades

Course Credit, Ci Grade Grade Points, Gi Ci*Gi
CSE 121 3.00 A- 3.50 10.500
CSE 122 1.50 A+ 4.00 6.000
CSE 211 3.00 A 3.75 11.250
CSE 212 1.50 B+ 3.25 4.875
PHY 101 3.00 B- 2.75 8.250
PHY 102 1.50 C+ 2.50 3.750
CHE 101 3.00 D 2.00 6.000
CHE 102 1.50 C 2.25 3.375
MATH 101 3.00 B 3.00 9.000
Total 21.00 63.000

GPA = 63.000/21.00 = 3.00

Suppose a student has completed four terms and obtained the following GPA:

Level Term Credit Hours Earned, TCI GPA Earned, GPAi GPAi*TCi
1 1 21.00 3.73 78.330
1 2 20.50 3.93 80.565
2 1 19.75 3.96 78.210
2 2 20.25 4.00 81.000
Total 81.50   318.105

CGPA = 318.105/81.50 = 3.90

Minimum Earned Credit and GPA Requirement for Obtaining Degree
Minimum credit hour requirements for the award of bachelor’s degree in engineering (B.Sc. Engineering) and other discipline will be decided as per existing rules.

Absence during a Term
A student should not be absent from quizzes, tests, etc. during the term. Such absence will naturally lead to reduction in points/marks, which count towards the final grade. Absence in the term final examination for any reason will result in an ‘F’ grade in the corresponding course. A student who has been absent for short periods, up to a maximum of three weeks due to illness, should approach the course teacher(s) or the course coordinator(s) for make-up quizzes or assignments immediately upon return to classes. Such request has to be supported by medical certificate from competent authority.

11. Symbols, Course Designation and numbering System

The undergraduate students of different years of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering have to follow the course schedule given below.

11.1 Course Types

The courses included in the undergraduate curriculam are divided into the following groups:

  1. a) Core Courses

In CSE discipline, a number of courses are identified as core courses, which form the nucleus of the respective bachelor’s degree program. A student has to complete the entire designated core courses of his/her discipline.

  1. b) Prerequisite Courses

Some of the core courses are identified as prerequisite courses for a specific subject. A prerequisite course is one, which is required to be completed before some other course(s) can be taken.

  1. c) Elective Courses

Apart from the core courses, the students can choose courses from a set of elective courses. Elective courses are divided into computer science, software engineering, communication technology and computer engineering

11.2 Course Category
The letter prefix in any course number indicates the discipline/subject offering the course.
Letter symbols for course categories are:

ACT Accounting HSS Humanities and Social Science
CHE Chemistry IDE Interdisciplinary Engineering
CSE Computer Science and Engineering MATH Mathematics
ECO Economics CE Civil Engineering
EEE Electrical and Electronic Engineering MGT Management
ENG English PHY Physics
GED General Education IT Industrial Training

Numbering System
Each course is designated by a maximum of four letter code identifying the department offering the course followed by a three-digit number having the following interpretation:

  • The first digit corresponds to the year/level in which the course is normally taken by the students.
  • The second digit is reserved for departmental use. It usually identifies a specific area/group of study within the department.
  • The last digit is an odd number for theoretical courses and an even number for sessional courses.

The course designation system is illustrated by the following example.

11.4 Credits Assignment

The assignment of credits to theoretical course is different from that of laboratory course, which is stated as follows:

  1. a) For theoretical courses one lecture per week per term is equivalent to one credit.
  2. b) for laboratory courses two class hours per week per term is equivalent to one credit.
  3. c) Credits are also assigned to project work taken by the students. The amount of credits assigned to such work may vary from one discipline to another.
  1. a) Course Structure (Regular Student)

The B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering Program consists of the following categories of courses:

12. Course Structure

The B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering Program consists of the following categories of courses:

Category No. of Theory Courses Sessional Courses (Minimum) Total Credit
General Education 4 12.00
Foundation Courses 7 1 22.50
Inter disciplinary Engineering 3 3 13.50
CSE Core 21 17 78.00
Elective (Option I) 2 2 9.00
Elective (Option II) 1 3.00
Project and Thesis 3.00
Industrial Training
Minimum Requirement 38 23 140.00

13.List of Courses

The list of the courses that will be offered under the program is given below:

General Education [12.00 Credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
ENG 101 Foundation English 3.00
MGT 201 Industrial and Operational Management 3.00
ECO 201 Engineering Economics 3.00
ACT 201 Financial & Managerial Accounting 3.00


Foundation Courses [22.50 Credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
MATH 101 Mathematics-I (Differential and Integral Calculus) 3.00
MATH 103 Mathematics-II (Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations) 3.00
MATH 105 Mathematics-III (Matrices, Vector Analysis and Fourier Series 3.00
MATH 207 Mathematics-IV (Complex Variable and Laplace Transform) 3.00
MATH 221 Mathematics-V (Statistics and Coordinate Geometry) 3.00
PHY 101 Physics 3.00
PHY 102 Physics Sessional 1.50
CHE 101 Chemistry 3.00


Inter-Disciplinary Engineering Courses [15.00 credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
EEE 101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3.00
EEE 102 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Sessional 1.50
EEE 103 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3.00
EEE 104 Electronic Devices and Circuits Sessional 1.50
EEE 201 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation 3.00
EEE 202 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation Sessional 1.50
CE-100 Engineering Drawing and CAD Sessional 1.50


CSE Core Courses [91.50 Credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
CSE 100 Introduction to Computer Systems 3.00
CSE 123 Discrete Mathematics 3.00
CSE 121 Structured Programming Language 3.00
CSE 122 Structured Programming Language Sessional 1.50
CSE 131 Data Structures 3.00
CSE 132 Data Structures Sessional 1.50
CSE 211 Object Oriented Programming Language 3.00
CSE 212 Object Oriented Programming Language Sessional 1.50
CSE 213 Digital Logic Design 3.00
CSE 214 Digital Logic Design Sessional 1.50
CSE 221 Algorithms 3.00
CSE 222 Algorithms Sessional 1.50
CSE 223 Database Management Systems 3.00
CSE 224 Database Management Systems Sessional 1.50
CSE 231 Operating Systems 3.00
CSE 232 Operating Systems Sessional 1.50
CSE 233 System Analysis and Design 3.00
CSE 234 System Analysis and Design Sessional 1.50
CSE 235 Computer Architecture 3.00
CSE 236 Assembly Language Programming Sessional 1.50
CSE 305 Numerical Analysis 3.00
CSE 311 Artificial Intelligence 3.00
CSE 312 Artificial Intelligence Sessional 1.50
CSE 313 Microprocessors and Microcontroller 3.00
CSE 314 Microprocessors and Microcontroller Sessional 1.50
CSE 315 Theory of Computation 3.00
CSE 317 Data Communication 3.00
CSE 321 Software Engineering and Information System Design 3.00
CSE 322 Software Engineering and Information System Design Sessional 1.50
CSE 323 Compiler 3.00
CSE 324 Compiler Sessional 1.50
CSE 325 Digital System Design 3.00
CSE 326 Digital System Design Sessional 1.50
CSE 331 Computer Networks 3.00
CSE 332 Computer Networks Sessional 1.50
CSE 333 Pattern Recognition 3.00
CSE 334 Pattern Recognition Sessional 1.50
CSE 335 Computer Graphics 3.00
CSE 336 Computer Graphics Sessional 1.50


Elective Courses, Option I [Any Two, 6.00 Credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
CSE 337 Simulation and Modeling 3.00
CSE 338 Simulation and Modeling Sessional 1.50
CSE 339 Multimedia Systems Design 3.00
CSE 340 Multimedia Systems Design Sessional 1.50
CSE 341 VLSI Design 3.00
CSE 342 VLSI Design Sessional 1.50
CSE 343 Advance Object Oriented Programming 3.00
CSE 344 Advance Object Oriented Programming Sessional 1.50


Elective Courses, Option II [Any Three (Course with Sessional), 9.00 Credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
CSE 421 Optical Fiber Communication 3.00
CSE 447 Network Security 3.00
CSE 427 E-Commerce 3.00
CSE 441 Advanced DBMS 3.00
CSE 429 Web Programming 3.00
CSE 423 Mobile Cellular Communication 3.00
CSE 425 Wireless Communication 3.00
CSE 443 Advance Network Services and Management 3.00
CSE 445 Mobile Computing 3.00
CSE 449 Embedded Systems 3.00
CSE 451 Mobile Application Development 3.00
CSE 453 Digital Image Processing 3.00
CSE 455 Game Design & Development 3.00
CSE 457 Cloud Computing 3.00


Project & Thesis [6 Credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
CSE 400 Project 3
CSE 430 Thesis 3


Industrial Training [3 Credits]
Course Code Course Title Credit
CSE 440 Industrial Training (Internship) 3

12. Semester wise course distribution

The semester wise course distribution will follows in the following sub-sections:


Sl. No


Course Name

Contact Hours/Week  


Pre requisite
Theory Sessional
First Year First Semester (1)
PHY-101 Physics 3 3
PHY-102 Physics Sessional 1.5 1.5
ECO-201 Engineering Economics 3 3
ENG-101 Foundation English 3 3
MTH-101 Mathematics-I (Differential and Integral Calculus) 3 3
Total Credit 13.5


First Year 2nd Semester (2)
MTH-103 Mathematics-II (Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations) 3 3
CSE-121 Structured Programming Language 3 3 N/A
CSE-122 Structured Programming Language Sessional              1.5 1.5 N/A
CSE-123 Discrete Mathematics 3 3 N/A
EEE-101 Introduction to Electrical Engineering 3 3 N/A
EEE-102 Introduction to Electrical Engineering Sessional            1.5 1.5 N/A
                                                               Total Credit 15


First Year Third Semester (3)
ACT-201 Financial & Managerial Accounting 3 3
MTH-105 Mathematics-III (Matrices, Vector Analysis and Fourier Series 3 3
CSE-131 Data Structures 3 3 CSE-121
CSE-132 Data Structures Lab 1.5 1.5 CSE-122
EEE-103 Electronics Device and Circuits 3 3 N/A
EEE-104 Electronics Device and Circuits Sessional 1.5 1.5 N/A
Total Credit 15


Second Year First Semester (4)
MTH-207 Mathematics-IV (Complex Variable and Laplace Transform) 3 3
CSE-211 Object Oriented Programming Language 3 3 CSE-121
CSE-212 Object Oriented Programming Language Sessional 1.5 1.5 CSE-122
EEE-201 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation 3 3 N/A
EEE-202 Electrical Drives and Instrumentation Sessional 1.5 1.5 N/A
CSE-235 Computer Architecture 3 3 CSE-131,132
Total Credit 15
Second Year Second Semester (5)
CSE-221 Algorithms 3 3
CSE-222 Algorithms Lab 1.5 1.5
CSE-223 Database Management Systems 3 3
CSE-224 Database Management Systems Sessional 1.5 1.5
CSE-133 Numerical Methods 3 3
CSE-236 Assembly Language Programming Sessional 1.5 1.5 N/A
Total Credit 13.5


Second Year Third Semester (6)
CSE-231 Operating Systems 3 3
CSE-232 Operating Systems Sessional 1.5 1.5
CSE-233 System Analysis and Design 3 3
CSE-234 System Analysis and Design Lab 1.5 1.5
CSE-315 Theory of Computing 3 3
CSE-213 Digital Logic Design 3 3 N/A
CSE-214 Digital Logic Design Sessional 1.5 1.5 N/A
Total Credit 16.5


Third Year First Semester (7)
MGT-201 Industrial and Operational Management 3 3
CSE-321 Software Engineering and Information System Design 3 3 CSE-233
CSE-332 Software Engineering and Information System Design Sessional 1.5 1.5 CSE-234
CSE-323 Compiler 3 3 CSE-315
CSE-324 Compiler Lab 1.5 1.5 CSE-316
CSE-313 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3 3 CSE-236
CSE-314 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Sessional 1.5 1.5
Total Credit 16.5


Third Year Second Semester (8)
CSE-317 Data Communication 3 3 MTH-105
CSE-331 Computer Network 3 3 CSE-317
CSE-332 Computer Networks Lab 1.5 1.5
Option I Any Two (3+3 = 6 credits)
CSE-333 Pattern Recognition 9 CSE-311
CSE-334 Pattern Recognition Sessional
CSE-335 Computer Graphics MTH-221, 207
CSE-336 Computer Graphics Sessional
CSE-337 Simulation & Modeling
CSE-338 Simulation a& Modeling Sessional
CSE-339 Multimedia Systems Design CSE-331
CSE-340 Multimedia Systems Design Sessional
CSE-341 VLSI Design CSE-331
CSE-342 VLSI Design Sessional
CSE-343 Advanced object Oriented Programming CSE-211
CSE-344 Advanced object Oriented Programming Sessional
Total Credit 16.5


Third Year Third Semester (9)
CSE-311 Artificial Intelligence 3 3 CSE-221
CSE-312 Artificial Intelligence Sessional 1.5 1.5 CSE-222
CSE-417 Project Management 2 2
Option II: Any Three (9 credits)
CSE-421 Optical Fiber Communication 6 6 CSE-331
CSE-423 Mobile Cellular Communication CSE-331
CSE-425 Wireless Communication CSE-331
CSE-427 E-Commerce CSE-331
CSE-429 Web Programming CSE-211
CSE-441 Advanced DBMS CSE-223
CSE-443 Advanced Network Services and Management CSE-331
CSE-445 Mobile Computing CSE-331
CSE-447 Network Security CSE-331
CSE-449 Embedded Systems CSE-331
CSE-451 Mobile Application Development CSE-313
CSE-453 Digital Image Processing CSE-211
CSE-455 Game Design & Development MTH-105,


CSE-457 Cloud Computing N/A
Total Credit 12.5


Fourth Year First Semester (10)
CSE-430 Project & Thesis 3 3
CSE-440 Industrial Training 3 3
Total Credit 6

Courses Name



Tuition Fee

Tuition Fees




Per Credit




B.Sc CSE (Regular)







B.Sc CSE (Diploma Holders)





