Authors Guidelines

Authors should only submit papers that have been carefully proofread to avoid any spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors. Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared following the format and style guide of MJEUB. You can download a PDF copy of the Format and Style guide from the link below.

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Manuscript Format and Style Guide

When the Editor sends manuscripts for external review, they are double-blind reviewed. Thus, please ensure that no authors’ names are given on the first page of the manuscript and that author names have been taken out of the “File-Properties” screen in word.

Manuscript Format and Style Guide

All manuscripts should be double-spaced. Margins should be one inch (2.5cm) at the top, bottom and sides of the page. Font size should be 12 point. We require that
submissions be limited to 8000-10000 words of text, unless an exception has been granted based on discussion with the Editors in advance of submission. This
recommended word count refers to the entire content of the article, including abstract and references. Articles with heavy use of figures and/or tables should be
correspondingly shorter to compensate for these.

Title of the Article

The title of the article should contain the title of the article and suggestions for a short running title of no more than 90 characters (including spaces). Title
should not be in statement form. Also include the author’s names, affiliations and contact details (including email address) for the corresponding author.


Authors are requested to submit an unstructured abstract of no more than 250 words. Abstract will focuses the total picture of the article in a nutshell. Please make
sure that the abstract page does not contain any information identifying the author(s). Also please take care to select a title and an abstract that are direct and
‘readers friendly’.

Include not more than five keywords that describe your paper for indexing and for web searches of your manuscript.

References in the Text
The citations should follow the Harvard system, included by the authorship and the year of the work. Each citation requires a reference at the end of the work with full details of the source item and should enable it to be traced.

There are variation of rainfall with respect to place and time (Islam, 2005).
Personal communications should be listed as such where they are cited in the text, and not listed in the references.

Results have been reported (Don Graham, 1989, personal communication).
Articles not yet published should show ‘forthcoming’ in place of the year (in both the reference and the citation). ‘In presses should be used in place of the volume, issue and page range details.

Sharp Parker, A.M. (forthcoming) Cyber terrorism: An examination of the preparedness of the North Carolina local law enforcement. Security Journal, in press.

References should be placed alphabetically by author or authorship, regardless of the format, i.e. whether books, websites or journal articles etc.

Examples of Correct Forms of References for Numerical Style


1. Slovic, P. (2000). The Perception of Risk. London: Earthscan Publications.

Edited Volume

2. Nye Jr, J.S., Zelikow, P.D. and King D.C. (eds.) (1997). Why People Don’t Trust Government. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Chapter in Book

3. Flora, P. and Alber, J. (1981). Modernization, democratization, and the development of the welfare state. In:     P. Flora and A.J. Heidenheimer (eds.). The Development of Welfare States in Europe and America. New              Brunswick and London: Transaction Books, pp. 17–34.

Article in Journal

4. Thompson, K., Griffith, E. and Leaf, P. (1990). A historical review of the Madison model of community care.      Hospital and Community Psychiatry 41(6): 21–35.

Article in Newspaper

5. Webster, B. (2008) Record bonus for Network Rail chief, despite Christmas chaos. The Times, 6 June: p1.

Newspaper or Magazine Article (Without a Named Author)

6. Economist (2005) The mountain man and the surgeon. 24 December, pp. 24–26.

Article Online

7. http.www………com (April 29:15:30) Gardener, T. and Moffatt, J. (2007) Changing behaviors in defense            acquisition: a game theory approach. Journal of the Operational Research Society, advance online publication 28 November, doi: 10.1057/palgrave.jors.2602476.

Conference Proceedings

8. Sapin, A. (ed.) (1985) Health and the Environment. Proceeding of the Conference on Biological Monitoring     Methods for Industrial Chemicals; 30-31 March 1984, Chicago, IL. Chicago: American Toxological Association.

Conference Paper

9. Harley, N.H. (1981) Radon risk models. In: A.R. Knight and B. Harrad, (eds) Indoor Air and Human Helath. Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium;
29-31 October, Knoxville, TN. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp.69-78.

Papers/Talks Presented at a Conference but Not Published

10. Martin, S. (2003) An exploration of factors which have an impact on the vocal performance and vocal effectiveness of newly qualified teachers and lecturers.
Paper presented at the Pan European Voice Conference; 31 August, Graz, Austria.


11. Young, W.R. (1981) Effects of different tree During Democratic Transition: The Malawi Social Action Fund 1996-2001. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development
Studies. IDS Research Report no. 5.

Figures and Tables

Ensure that every table or figure is referred to in the text. The table or figure will be placed after the first mention in the text. Legends should be short, descriptive and define any acronyms, abbreviations or symbols used.

Tables and figures should be submitted in their original word format. Each table should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of appearance. Please avoid using vertical rules. Horizontal rules should be used only above and below column headings and at the bottom of the table.


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European University Of Bangladesh