Guidelines for the Students and Guardians

European University of Bangladesh has been designed in every aspect of European model. The undergraduate degree is for four years duration. Students take courses each semester and these courses have credits assigned to them and credits are counted towards the degree. Students are being graduated once they have the requisite number of credits & minimum grade point. Initially the university offers the bachelor’s and master’s degree. The master’s programs are of two years duration. The university may also offer special courses tailored for people in the work force, e.g., diploma courses. Diploma holders with excellent grade point will have the option for higher studies in the proposed university. An academic year in the university is divided into three semesters – fall, summer and spring.

Key Points of EUB

European university of Bangladesh is.
    • A leading Bangladeshi university with international facilities for quality teaching.
    • A university with rich and fully automated library.
    • A university with adequate laboratory facilities; there are twelve different categories of laboratoies
    • A university with a full-fledged research center in the EUB.
    • A university with opportunities for its students to transfer their credits for higher study in Europe, Australia and North America Universities.
    • A student centered university; the career development center (CDC) of EUB is providing Job and internship for it’s students.
    • A professional university with close links to industry and commerce.
    • An attractive university; the main campus is located in the main center of Dhaka city.
    • A safe and supportive university with attractive services and attention to special needs.
    • A university with outstanding social, cultural and sports facilities for students



The University lays high attention to keep the fees low. So That brilliant students of middle class families of sound are can afford to get there higher education.

A direct link exists between a university’s missions in the characteristics of the students served by the educational programs. Thus, the program design and the student selection are interdependent processes. Careful planning and execution of these processes are necessary.

Student Selection

EUB selects students consistent with its mission. The University make continuous efforts to achieve demographic diversity in its student’s enrollment. The policies for admission to business degree programs at the undergraduate level should be clear. Retention policies for undergraduate students in fully consistent with an objective of producing high quality graduates.

The Credit Hour System

The procedures of credit hour semester system is accepted in the academic programs of EUB having involvement of 14 weeks of instruction in each semester and courses may have different credit hours having involvement of 14 instruction hours under each credit hour per semester respectively.To the extent, there are 3 credit-hour course having 42 instruction hours spread per semester. The credit hour system is having flexibility for the students with a view to proceeding as per their competency and eagerness as well as interest.

Under the coverage of this system, there shall have requirement of number credit hours under a program for a subject to completion of the same in which the number of credit hours in different semester will depend on the capability and choice of the students but not on a semester based package.

The Semester System and Semester Schedules

The academic programs is run on the basis of semester system in lieu of yearly system. An academic year has three semesters, 4 months duration under each semester which shall be allocated on the following manner: There is a time period of 14 weeks of instruction and 2 weeks for registration and examination.

Work Load and Expected Duration of a Program

A student under normal workload is having 18 credit hours per semester;  and 3 semesters per year thus for completion of  Bachelors degree (‘Hons’). A student requires to allowed in all 12 semesters spreading over 4 years.

How there is sufficient flexibility of students under the coverage of the full credit hour system and the choice accordingly.