Humble Beginning
European University of Bangladesh (EUB) is a third generation private university aiming at providing modern education of European standard in Bangladesh. It has been accredited by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, curricula and academic while its programs have been approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC). It was established under the Private University Act 2010 with the approval of the Government of Bangladesh on 14th March, 2012 for awarding degrees in various fields. The President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh is the Chancellor of European University of Bangladesh. The University applies student- centred teaching and learning methods, pursues applied research and encourages creative activities with the objective of producing world-class professionals to meet national and international standard, as well as, the requirement of its graduates for their career development and employment. We are constantly investing in our campus and facilities to ensure all students have a world-class teaching and learning environment, state-of-the-art facilities and enhancing the vibrancy of the campus experience to make students time in EUB truly one to cherish.
The University is located at the heart of the Dhaka City at prestigious institutional zone of Gabtoli (opposite to Gabtoli Bus Terminal) with well-connected communication system.

European University of Bangladesh(EUB) is the fastest growing university in Bangladesh.
The University with some unique features:
- The number of students is expanding very fast and in the last five years time its student’s population exceeded 24000
- The university’s physical infrastructure is growing even faster. It’s 5.5-lac square feet huge permanent campus is nearing completion at the GABTOLI, gateway to the Dhaka city.
- Faculty of EUB is also expanding in line with its student’s population. Currently, there are 480 teaching staff, all with the most brilliant academic degrees from renowned universities at home and abroad.
- The university Caters to the needs of higher education in keeping with the poorer but brilliant students coming from middle and underprivileged classes of the society spread all over the country. The university charges very low tuition fees, which are affordable to the poorer as well as working students of the country.
- It maintains high academic standard ensuring cent percent fair examination, Modular system of education, continuous faculty development – training, R&D and various promotional policies.
- EUB is a Student-Centered university it involves its students in all of its activities. To cite an example, the construction work of the permanent campus is managed from designing and planning to implement and monitoring are being carried out by its students of various related departments namely, Civil, EEE & CSE Department.