Biography of Rubab Ahmmed

Name: Rubab Ahmmed

Position: Assistant Professor and Faculty Coordinator

Department: Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)

European University of Bangladesh (EUB)

Publications: 12

Cell Phone: 01516154852

Email: [email protected]


Rubab Ahmmed

Assistant Professor and Faculty Coordinator
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Academic Details:


Degree Group/Major Institute Passing year
MEEE Communication Engineering American International University-Bangladesh 2024
B.Sc. Electrical and Electronic Engineering American International University-Bangladesh 2014
HSC Science Milestone College 2009
SSC Science Panchagram Azizur Rahman High School 2007


Research Interests:

  • Communication Engineering
  • Renewable Energy
  • Nanotechnology



  1. R. Ahmmed and M. H. Kabir, “Performance Analysis of MIMO NOMA based Wireless Network for 5G and beyond under Rayleigh Fading Channel,” TENCON 2023 – 2023 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023, pp. 726-731,

    doi: 10.1109/TENCON58879.2023.10322312

  2. Ahmmed, R., Rahman, M. S. ., Al-Amin, A.-A., Islam, M. M. ., & Ahad, A. . (2023). Renewable Energy Integration in Bangladesh: Opportunities and Challenges for Thermoelectric and Thermionic Systems. Journal of Energy Engineering and Thermodynamics(JEET) ISSN 2815-0945, 3(04), 28–35.
  3. M. S. Rahman, C. Roy, R. Ahmmed, M. A. Sarker, M. A. Kawser and F. Rabbi, “Sustainable Electrification Scheme in Nijhum Dwip: A Pre-Feasibility Study of Hybrid Renewable Energy Solutions,” 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 123-128, doi: 10.1109/ICSET59111.2023.10295149.
  4. M. S. Rahman, R. Ahmmed, M. A. Sarker, M. A. Kawser, M. I. Moyna and A. Ahad, “Transforming Tannery Waste into Biogas: An Exploration of Biogas Production via Anaerobic Digestion,” 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on System Engineering and Technology (ICSET), Shah Alam, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 135-140, doi: 10.1109/ICSET59111.2023.10295120.
  5. Kabir, H., Kabir, A., Ahmmed, R., & Rahman, S. (2023). Assessing the Performance of a Hybrid Geolocation Algorithm Integrating FP and TOA Techniques across Diverse Environmental Conditions. Journal of Propulsion Technology, 44(4).
  6. Rahman, F., Rahman, M. S., Ahmmed, R., Kawser, M. A., Ali, M. H., & Hossain, M. K. (2023). Change in Density of States and Quantum Capacitance of Graphene Nanoribbon Because of Gas Sensing Property. European Chemical Bulletin.
    doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.si6.4622023.07/08/2023
  7. Md. Shafikul Islam Shawan, Md. Abdullah Kawser, Md. Saidur Rahman, Md. Alomgir Kabir, & Rubab Ahmmed. (2023). Miniaturized Micro Strip Patch Antenna to Achieve Wireless Power Transfer for ISM Applications. International Journal of Applied and Structural Mechanics(IJASM) ISSN: 2799-127X, 3(05), 1–9.
  8. Rahman, Md & Rumman, K & Ahmmed, Rubab & Rahman, Abdur & Sarker, Md. (2023). Fingerprint Based Biometric Attendance System Section A -Research paper of European Chemical Bulletin. 12. 184-190. 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.026.
  9. Md. Saidur Rahman, Md. Abdullah Kawser, Rumman, K. M. ., Fahrin Rahman, & Rubab Ahmmed. (2022). Design and Implementation of Intelligent Railway System. Journal of Image Processing and Intelligent Remote Sensing(JIPIRS) ISSN 2815-0953, 2(05), 53–62.
  10. Siddiqui, Shadman & Ahmmed, Rubab & Abdullah, Shibli & Shadik,. (2014). Study of Memristor Models and Its Applications in Logic Circuits. Journal of Solid state, Electronics and Devices (Volume 1 and Issue 1), JoSSED (2014) 1-6 © STM Journals 2014
  11. J. Sarker, S. Hossen, R. Ahmmed, A. Kabir, T. Hossain and H. Ali, “Wireless Sensor Network based Sustainable Cattle Farm Feed Management and Monitoring System using Internet of Things,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), Bangalore, India, 2022, pp. 1-4,
    doi: 10.1109/CONECCT55679.2022.9865698.
  12. Ahmmed, R. ., Rahman, M. S. ., Sarker, M. A. ., Ali, M. H. ., & Shadik, M. S. . (2023). Optimizing Hybrid Power for Manpura Island: A Case Study in Bangladesh. Journal of Energy Engineering and Thermodynamics(JEET) ISSN 2815-0945, 3(01), 20–30.
  13. “Quantum Capacitance and Fermi Level Change in Graphene Nanoribbon due to Gas Sensing” accepted in International Multidisciplinary Conference on Current Research Trends (IMCCRT 23).


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